Monday, 18 May 2009

Emergency Alert Di Kobe

Hmm.. dua hari takleh buat apa2.. sebab kena perintah berkurung untuk keselamatan diri masing2.. hahaha.. tadi pg dah pergi ke osaka utk attend kursus.. dok tak sampai 15 minit.. balik semula ke jica hyogo (kobe).. sebab kursus dibatalkan selama sekurang2nya 1 minggu disebabkan oleh H1N1 nih.. hari sabtu hari tu 3 org kena, hari ni dah 96 org kena.. cepat jugak merebaknya.. so, minggu ni takde la kelas.. tapi digantikan dengan kelas intensif bahasa jepun.. dari 10 pagi sampai 4 petang.. layan bahasa jepun ajer lah.. ip network entah ke mana... hahaha..

Source From :
Emergency Information
Regarding the Outbreak of Pandemic Influenza (Swine Flu) in Kobe

Responding to the outbreak of pandemic influenza in the city, we have decided to take the countermeasures as follows.

* Kindergartens, elementary, junior high and high schools, and schools for challenged in Higashi-Nada, Nada, Chuo, Hyogo, Kita and Nagata Wards are closed until May 22nd.
* We ask private schools, universities, prefectural schools in the above mentioned wards and schools in Ashiya City to close until May 22nd.
* All the school trips and outside activities planned before May 22nd are postponed.
* We also ask day-care facilities such as nursery centers, centers for senior citizens and challenged to close until May 22nd.
* The Kobe Festival slated for May 17th will be cancelled as multiple pandemic influenza infection cases are suspected.
* Public facilities run by the City and city-affiliated organizations are open announcing their users to be cautious about hygienic control. We ask private facilities to be cautious too.
* We open new consultation counter for general public.
* More telephone lines at Kobe Fever Heat Counseling Center are added on and be available around-the-clock.
* Kobe City Hall and all the municipal facilities are operated as per normal.

We ask the citizens and corporations voluntarily restrain from unnecessary outgo and wear masks and wash their hands.

In the case you have a suspicious symptom of influenza infection such as fever or a cough, please do not go to a hospital but call the Kobe Fever Heat Counseling Center first (080-6115-9901).


Anonymous said...

swine flu ni kan dah distage 5..bukan takat udara dah..kalo org hak kna tu pegang sudu pastu kita plak pegang sudu dia pun dah buleh terjangkit,duk la elok2 yer..semoga selamat kembali ke malaysia..amin....

MIZZOU said...

aduuhhh...loteh gi kursus macam ni...tak pasal-pasal kena kuarantin. Apa lagi bang....cari la batang joran satu....laut kat sebelah aje....hehehe

backhand said...

sudu???? hmm.. takleh pakai sudu la lepas nih.. kena pakai camca je la.. baru ok kot.. hahahaha...

pasal joran tu.. dlm perancangan.. dlm perancangan nak survey kat pasaraya depan jica nih.. rasa cam mahal jer.. hahaha.. beli mata kail ngan tali je lah.. pastu ikat kat botol... janji boleh campak dlm air.. hahahaha.. hari2 dr bilik dok tgk je air tu.. nampak ikan lompat2 pulak tuu.. adeiii...

Anonymous said...

itukan perumpamaan..pakai chopstick la..bleh pakai buang..

idian said...

Wah..bestnya...tak yah pi kelas
Tapi hati2...selsema babi tu sani!!!
Jangan wat balik ke MOF...hahaha
JMM selamat...

backhand said...

pakai chopstick.. sini depa tak pakai buang.. pakai basuh dan guna semula.. hehe.. pakai tangan je lah.. jd sudu boleh.. garpu pun boleh.. hehehe..

nanti aku singgah jugak kat JMM.. barang2 tak bawak balik lagi.. aku tinggalkan la sikit utk JMM.. hahahaha...